It was a little bit different from last year's party putting aside the same venue, people and MUST HAVE BOOZE. This year, the party is graced by Heineken - enough green bottles to go around, balloons, so much food, party packs and cute green Heineken hats! You can read KY's full account on the Xmas eve party here.

No one escaped by not at least puking half the content!
Everyone gathered for the gift exchange. This is the time that everyone is practically waiting for. This year we have a total of 40 people for the gifts exchange. This is how the game goes....
1. Everyone has to bring a gift and put their names on it.
2. Each one is to draw a number from the bucket.
3. The smallest number starts first by choosing a gift from the pile.
4. He/She has to open the gift to show everyone.
5. The next person gets to hijack the opened gifts or he/she can choose a new one from the pile.
6. If one's gift is hijacked, he/she can hijack other opened gifts or choose a new one from the pile.
7. The person whom have taken the particular gift before cannot hijack the same gift again.
8. The game goes on until the last number.
This can be a little tricky because the good gifts get hijacked all the time and it'll never end! So, some rules should be put in place like no hijacking more than 5 times in the same round and the person needs to open a new present. So, practically speaking, the bigger the number you draw, the better and there's no guarantee that you get to keep your pressie even though you're second last! haha....
Most sought after pressies....
Haze got 4 packets of Penang Asam Laksa - freshly frozen all the way from Penang. Who knows... that Fireangel decides to steal it from her since she has been deprived of it for 1 year working in Singapore! haha...
And if you're wondering what's the painting or design in those picture backgrounds, it's KY's new living hall! Woot....
This awesome wall design is a work of art by Haze. Read it here. Don't ask me why it has only 1 boob.. it's art mah... but Haze says, it's an average boob derived from the population... LOL...
Most sought after pressies....

And if you're wondering what's the painting or design in those picture backgrounds, it's KY's new living hall! Woot....

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