Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

Running for Charity

I can donate money. But I can't run for charity.

And thus, I decide to leave this to Razim, my good friend whom would be running at the coming KL Marathon. He is supporting the Shelter Home, raising funds for the voluntary welfare organization for children and teenagers who have been abandoned, neglected, orphaned or abused. It's a real challenge to him.

"Running for charity is very new to Malaysia, but I think it should be highly encouraged. Apart from the funds going into the running and operation of the kid’s home, it would be also a good exposure and experience for the kids. Sports is a healthy activity that the kids can join, and in the process to develop themselves to be better people ie discipline , confident, leadership and such."

- Razim-

Razim would be running the full marathon, a staggering 42.195 km! (view the route here) I would probably faint at the thought of it, let alone running it. Maybe I should join the Kids Dash (3km) but I'm over qualified in the age criteria. So, the only viable and feasible thing to do is to support Razim by pledging my support through donating to his name. It's tax exempted too! Now wouldn't that be a good time for generosity?

With 16 more days to go, let's raise funds for Shelter Home here!

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