Since I'm already in the
topic about legs, I just want to dwell on the fact on how you can enhance your legs by being a bit more adventurous. Besides taking care of your legs of course, you can start experimenting on some
hosiery, stockings or tights. Well, if you are a first timer, you might want to know how you can choose a pair of suitable stockings. But let us first look at the history of stockings.
For the previous 400 years stockings had ruled supreme - ever since the knitting machine was invented in 1589 by Reverend William Lee and stockings made from wool, silk and cotton appeared for the first time. These early stockings were frequently referred to as hose, from which the term hosiery was derived, and were
generally worn by men. Ooh, how interesting considering the fact that the men were the ones wearing the stockings first!

The stockings market was revolutionised by the change of fashions in the 20th Century when it became socially acceptable for women to show their legs. In recent years, although increasing numbers of women go bare legged, hosiery technology has developed considerably and a wide range of new products are now commonly available from body toning control top tights and thigh-highs (hold-ups) to moisturising and massaging tights.
So how do we go about buying a pair of hosiery? Here are the tips from the experts:
Step1 : Consider color. When in doubt, go with nude or black. For subtle and a sexy style
Step2 : Consider texture and opacity.
Step3 : Consider whether you want pantyhose or stockings.
Wear pantyhose with short dresses and skirts, and with anything clingy. Stockings, especially the kind that stay up on their own, can be fun, sexy and more comfortable than pantyhose.
Step4 : Consider price vs. durability.
Good hose can be very expensive, but sometimes are worth it.
Remember the rule cheap no good, good no cheap. But if you plan to just wear it once or twice, then get the cheap ones la.
Step5 : Consider flair vs. subtlety.
Usually the right choice in stockings means no one will notice them. Occasionally, stockings can make a dramatic statement - a pattern or a seam up the back, for example. Use these judiciously as they can easily overwhelm an outfit.
For the flowery side of youWell, they are also other things to consider. How about choosing the colour or pattern. You can also follow these guides:
Step 1 : Match your hemline.
If your dress is dark, dark hose are probably best. Go with black, navy or charcoal.
Pair a black hose with black Italian heels.
Step 2 : Match your shoes.
If your shoes are dark, your hose should be, too. If your shoes are dark and your hem is light (or vice versa), go with hose that match the color of your skin.
Step 3 : Match your skin.
Flesh-colored hose are fairly safe with all outfits. Strive for sheerness and invisibility. Avoid a tan shade unless you have the skin to match.
Step 4 : Consider going au natural.
No hose is often the best hose of all. If it's warm enough, go for it.
Step 5 : Take the middle ground.
Woven stockings, such as black or beige fishnets, can provide a nice solution to a challenging outfit. These hose offer coverage without masking your legs completely.
Maroon fish net stockings anyone?
Step 6 : Consider a bold statement.
A wacky pattern or bright color can help you bust out of your usual look. Just be aware of the message you are sending, though. Job interviews, weddings and first dates might not be the best times to try out a new look. For me it includes not trying bold styles for funerals, or meeting your date's parents and family.
From La Senza
So don't you think a little bit of accessories for the legs will spice up your day or your style? Let your legs sizzle the crowd. Let them stare at your legs that they stumbled and fall. Let them envy your style and best of all let them wonder where you got those hosiery. For me I like to get them from various stores. I will get the normal black or nude ones from departmental stores at about RM10, black tights from SoxWorld at less than RM25, and bold ones from Topshop which will cost around RM49-55. As for those on a sexy side, you can always go for garters and they're sexily available in La Senza. I have one in black, white and beige all from a good bargain during the FJ Benjamin Sales.
Myownstyle : Stockings from Topshop. Shoes from Guess.
What do you think about wearing this to work?!!