While not all women have beautiful faces like Angelina Jolie's, Jessica Alba and bla bla bla or have big boobs like Pamela Anderson, Carmen Electra and bla bla bla, a pair of sexy and flawless legs can still be yours if you are willing to take the necessary steps and the right amount of effort in taking care of the skin of your legs.
First, you have to realize that your beauty regimen should not be confined to your upper body parts. Obvious as it is, some women think that caring for their faces would be enough because after all people only look at your face when they talk to you (except some cases where they talked to the boobs). But having a beautiful face or shapely torso is hardly equated with having irresistible pair of legs. Therefore, you need to separately pamper your legs and not only focus on the face!
1. Moisturize All The Time
Having smooth and glowing skin on your legs is a direct result of adequately moisturizing them. Moisturizing your legs will make them feel soft and supple, enough to be described as silky. When choosing a moisturizer for your legs, always take into consideration the type of your skin to avoid unwanted reaction on your legs.
2. Exfoliate And Buff Your Legs Regularly
The appearance of your legs can be affected by the layers of dead skin cells that are accumulating on them. This unhealthy layer can cause some skin problems and blemishes on your legs because dead skin cells can block the pores on your skin. So the answer is exfoliate, exfoliate and exfoliate. But don't overdo it.
You can go about this by using loofah or other soft abrasive materials that are specifically made for your skin. With exfoliating gels or just ordinary soap, you can gently rub these materials on your legs and, in the process, scrape off dead skin layers. After you have done the exfoliating part, remember to apply lotion to moisturize and give your legs a buff finish.
3. Nourish Them With Vitamins
As a new younger looking layer of skin takes the place of the scraped dead layer, you need to nourish your legs with vitamins that can strengthen and improve the health of the skin on your legs. The new skin layer can be more receptive and responsive to nourishment and any other leg treatment, hence always follow up the exfoliating and the buffing of your legs with the application of skin nutrients. Applications that are rich with vitamins A, B complex, C, and E are usually the best for your skin.
4. Be Careful When Shaving
Unwanted hair growth on the legs can make them unsightly. This is why many women shave or wax their legs. But the problem with shaving is that, you can easily nick the skin of your legs if you are not too careful with the razor. What starts off as an attempt to make your legs look smooth and sexy can easily end up in bleeding cuts.
To prevent this from happening, always use top quality razors. And always take your time while shaving your legs; this way, you do not feel pressure so you have greater control of the razor.
Call me unadventurous or what, that's why I never use razors for my legs or anywhere! You can try Veet Cream & Mousses where you don't need to use any blade to remove the hair. Just apply the cream or spray on the mousse, after 3-6mins, wash it off and you're all done. For me I just use the 3 minute hair removal cream - it's cheap and fast. Considering the many times you'll be using it to remove the hair from your legs, the cheaper the better! Waxing however will give you a longer period before the hair grows back but use it only if you can stand the pain. Well, I haven't wax my legs before so I wouldn't know but somewhere else where the sun couldn't shine, you can ask me. Not that painful la!
Well, it's time to buck-up ladies. Show the guys your killer legs today by just paying a little more attention to the legs and which I would like to advice the ladies not to shop or cheap and uncomfortable shoes for the sake of fashion. A good pair of shoes should not leave unsightly marks on the feet. I have had shoes that cuts my skin especially slightly above the heel spot and I always get scolding from my dad who strictly warn me to take care of my legs and to make sure they are free from scars.
I love shoes. I really love beautiful and sexy shoes. I have also added a new pair of NINE WEST to my shoe cupboard. That was my first pair from Nine West which I've got at a very good bargain. Right now I have a collection of 3 pairs of Aldo (my fav), 3 pairs of Zara, 1 pair of Guess, and half a dozen from Vincci. Another good thing to splurge on expensive shoes is that the shoe tends to last longer. I have a number of cheap shoes that lasts me only for a month or so! The most important criteria of choosing a shoe is that it complements the feet rather than the feet trying to accommodate the shoes!

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