I'm home alone this evening. in fact, I have had a tiring day. Everyday, I have been rushing to work and then getting the stocks ready to be delivered to Bangsar Village. I have also committed myself to be stationed there every weekday from 10am - 1 pm. So if you want to empathise with me, do drop by and buy my chocolates. Then take me out for lunch and then "tar pau" some tea time snacks for me and my promoters!
When I left the office at 6.15pm, the traffic was crazy. Everyone is rushing home early since tomorrow is a public holiday. My excolleague, spotting my car still parked in front of the factory called me and asked me how come I was still there?!! Yeah I know I have been leaving the office latest by 5.30pm daily, it doesn't mean Eiling can't work late! Work was crazy too. So many last minute corporate deals that I have to close and my assistant is taking a week off. It's not like she'll be any help to me but not having her also means I'll be working to death. Please get ready some money for my funeral if you see me in the obituary page in The Star after Christmas.
Then, I was rushing home, thinking I need to cook for my sister who finishes work at 6pm. I have decided to cook some "choy sum" and a plate of "stewed tomato pork". Happily, I reached home and remembered she had a steamboat party with colleagues tonight. Haih..looks like I'll be home alone tonight as my youngest sis is working for me at Bangsar Village.
What do you eat when you're all home alone, with no one to eat with and no one to cook for? The answer is simple - INSTANT NOODLE. Ooh... I just loveee instantaneous instant noodles. So good to eat, anytime, anywhere! But I am not so lazy until the extend of adding hot water and that's it. I make it a point to make my IN nutritious. Don't laugh, I know, I know, how can IN be nutritious. Well, it can. Please let me show you - the new way of having IN and not having the guilty after-effect.
The ingredients:

1. Instant Noodles of course!
I've never liked Maggi.
In fact if you ask me to rate the noodle texture, Cintan is the BEST!
Then followed by Mamee and then Mi Sedap.
If you rate the whole package, Indomie ROCKS!
Then followed by Mamee Asam Laksa and Mi Sedap Onion Chicken.

I boiled it myself the other day. Not from the packet of IN.
The method:
1. Marinade meat with a lil' pepper & salt. Wash Vege clean.
2. Boil a pot of hot water. A lil' water will do.
3. Put the meat into the boiling water and dish out after a few seconds in the boiling water.
4. Use the same pot and fill with new pot of water and boil. When boiling, cook the noodles.
5. Once noodle is cooked, pour away water and add in the ABC soup.
6. Then add in the meat and vege. For seasoning, add 1 teaspoon of soya sauce.
7. Once boiling, it's ready to serve.

1. Marinade meat with a lil' pepper & salt. Wash Vege clean.
2. Boil a pot of hot water. A lil' water will do.
3. Put the meat into the boiling water and dish out after a few seconds in the boiling water.
4. Use the same pot and fill with new pot of water and boil. When boiling, cook the noodles.
5. Once noodle is cooked, pour away water and add in the ABC soup.
6. Then add in the meat and vege. For seasoning, add 1 teaspoon of soya sauce.
7. Once boiling, it's ready to serve.

There you have a very healthy meal with carbs, protein and minerals all in one bowl of wholesome IN!!! Haha... Why have I used ABC if you're wondering. Actually it's leftovers. I boiled it the other day but we did not finish it because I boiled a lil' bit too much. okay, it's not lil' bit but way too much that I've been having it for dinner for 3 days!
Just in case you are wondering how to boil that ABC soup, it's as easy as 123. Just buy a chicken, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, onions, pepper and salt. Just make sure that the pepper are partly grounded and the tomatoes are sliced. Boil it with high heat until boiling hot and then switch to low heat and boil for another 30 minutes. However, for ABC soup, the longer you boil, the better it tastes. Just remember that you have enough water in the pot ot keep it boiling for hours!
That's all for today folks. Try it. it's really nice. Recipe tried and tested by myself.
Just in case you are wondering how to boil that ABC soup, it's as easy as 123. Just buy a chicken, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, onions, pepper and salt. Just make sure that the pepper are partly grounded and the tomatoes are sliced. Boil it with high heat until boiling hot and then switch to low heat and boil for another 30 minutes. However, for ABC soup, the longer you boil, the better it tastes. Just remember that you have enough water in the pot ot keep it boiling for hours!
That's all for today folks. Try it. it's really nice. Recipe tried and tested by myself.
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