Scroll down for PART II
First it was news about my uncle (my father's brother in-law) demise due to being knocked over by a lorry while he was having an evening walk. At the same time, my aunt was having a surgery and wasn't told about her husband's death until 2 days later after she got out of the hospital. It's really a very pitiful situation.
First it was news about my uncle (my father's brother in-law) demise due to being knocked over by a lorry while he was having an evening walk. At the same time, my aunt was having a surgery and wasn't told about her husband's death until 2 days later after she got out of the hospital. It's really a very pitiful situation.
Then, my mom and I made a trip back to Ipoh for the wake. As I was about to get into the car in front of my grandma's house, two guys on a motorbike ride towards my car and snatched my mom's handbag. Lucky she only suffered minor bruises and some trauma. I was lucky that they didn't go round the other side and rob me as well. It was already 8.40pm and there goes her bankcards and the money for the funeral which was close to RM900.
Immediately I called and stopped all the ATM and credit cards and then took her to a police station to make a report. This is where the nightmare begins. We walked into the police station and told the policeman on duty that night about the incident and he typed a report using a computer. He asked me to check the report and I found so many spelling and grammar mistakes in Malay but he said it was okay as it was just a draft. After that, he passed the report to his colleague and she wrote it out on a form with a template. She was so careless to leave out some of the items which I managed to point it out.
After that, he told me that I had to go to another police station to be interviewed by an inspector due to the fact that the case was involved in another zone and the online system is not working! Huh?!! I know that there is no way we can recover the bag because we failed to see the face and the number plate of the snatch thieves but I recognise the T-shirts they were wearing. He then told me if you don't want us to investigate, then all you need is to come and collect the report on Monday and you can go now. Oh well, being a Malaysian, we know this is the best choice as there is no way to catch these thieves, so I told him I'll just need a report and I know the investigation will go nowhere. The police officer told me that we could get the report printed in any police station by just giving the reference number.

So, today, I went to the police station in my area in Shah Alma and they said it cannot be printed because they do not have the computer system. And later, my mom went to the one in USJ8 and they showed her a blank screen. According to them, there is no record of her report! OMG how could this happen? She needed the report to apply for a new Identity Card and driving license. Then they attached her draft report with another police report and asked a receptionist there to sign. They told her that there will be no inspector signature on her report!
Honestly, I was shocked by this answer. How could the millions and billions spent on our police force resulted in so much of incompetencies and inconveniences that victims like my mom have to go through? It's bad enough to be a victim of snatch thieves and now the police are giving these victims a nightmare by just getting a report. We didn't even insist them to investigate on this case! Mom was shocked too and very disappointed.
If I were them, I could have asked the patrol cars to look out for two men on a motorbike wearing the t-shirts that I described to them earlier. However, he didn't make an effort to do anything! I was very angry with their lackadasical attitude towards combating crime. It seemed that the thieves are here to stay and we as citizens, have to accept the fact that we have to live in fear everyday and night until change has taken place.
It's time to exercise your voice and vote.
My mom told me this morning about her experience at a HUGE police station in USJ when she went there to collect her report. At the guard house, she has to register and the guard, took more than 5 minutes to write down the details and she said that he seemed to quite illiterate. She couldn't understand what took them so long to register a visitor to a police station?!!
And in the police station, she has to take a number to get her report. There were 2 police officers but only one was working. During intervals, they took the chance to walk out, go to toilet and chit chat. It took her a long time just to get her report although there's only a few there to be served. She was appalled by the quality of service and the efficiency of our police force. I told her this is nothing new!
The worst thing - she showed me her report today and it was stated that she is a MALE! OMG, how could they make such a mistake? She was there with me to make a report and how could the police officer think that any one of us could be a male?!! What a joke! Helooooo.... someone needs a knock in the head here or probably an eye surgery?!!
I think they like us victims going to the police station a few times just to get things right. Not only we lost our money, went through the trauma, now we have to suffer the lost of time and inconvenience. Just hearing what she told me has got me boiling. But what can we do as citizens? We are at their mercy and looking at the trend, nothing much is going to change!
Immediately I called and stopped all the ATM and credit cards and then took her to a police station to make a report. This is where the nightmare begins. We walked into the police station and told the policeman on duty that night about the incident and he typed a report using a computer. He asked me to check the report and I found so many spelling and grammar mistakes in Malay but he said it was okay as it was just a draft. After that, he passed the report to his colleague and she wrote it out on a form with a template. She was so careless to leave out some of the items which I managed to point it out.
After that, he told me that I had to go to another police station to be interviewed by an inspector due to the fact that the case was involved in another zone and the online system is not working! Huh?!! I know that there is no way we can recover the bag because we failed to see the face and the number plate of the snatch thieves but I recognise the T-shirts they were wearing. He then told me if you don't want us to investigate, then all you need is to come and collect the report on Monday and you can go now. Oh well, being a Malaysian, we know this is the best choice as there is no way to catch these thieves, so I told him I'll just need a report and I know the investigation will go nowhere. The police officer told me that we could get the report printed in any police station by just giving the reference number.

So, today, I went to the police station in my area in Shah Alma and they said it cannot be printed because they do not have the computer system. And later, my mom went to the one in USJ8 and they showed her a blank screen. According to them, there is no record of her report! OMG how could this happen? She needed the report to apply for a new Identity Card and driving license. Then they attached her draft report with another police report and asked a receptionist there to sign. They told her that there will be no inspector signature on her report!
Honestly, I was shocked by this answer. How could the millions and billions spent on our police force resulted in so much of incompetencies and inconveniences that victims like my mom have to go through? It's bad enough to be a victim of snatch thieves and now the police are giving these victims a nightmare by just getting a report. We didn't even insist them to investigate on this case! Mom was shocked too and very disappointed.
If I were them, I could have asked the patrol cars to look out for two men on a motorbike wearing the t-shirts that I described to them earlier. However, he didn't make an effort to do anything! I was very angry with their lackadasical attitude towards combating crime. It seemed that the thieves are here to stay and we as citizens, have to accept the fact that we have to live in fear everyday and night until change has taken place.
It's time to exercise your voice and vote.
My mom told me this morning about her experience at a HUGE police station in USJ when she went there to collect her report. At the guard house, she has to register and the guard, took more than 5 minutes to write down the details and she said that he seemed to quite illiterate. She couldn't understand what took them so long to register a visitor to a police station?!!
And in the police station, she has to take a number to get her report. There were 2 police officers but only one was working. During intervals, they took the chance to walk out, go to toilet and chit chat. It took her a long time just to get her report although there's only a few there to be served. She was appalled by the quality of service and the efficiency of our police force. I told her this is nothing new!
The worst thing - she showed me her report today and it was stated that she is a MALE! OMG, how could they make such a mistake? She was there with me to make a report and how could the police officer think that any one of us could be a male?!! What a joke! Helooooo.... someone needs a knock in the head here or probably an eye surgery?!!
I think they like us victims going to the police station a few times just to get things right. Not only we lost our money, went through the trauma, now we have to suffer the lost of time and inconvenience. Just hearing what she told me has got me boiling. But what can we do as citizens? We are at their mercy and looking at the trend, nothing much is going to change!