What a better way to spend Xmas Eve than being at a party full of happening people and free booze?!! Gosh, it was my first time attending KY's infamous Xmas Eve Party that he holds every year for the fifth year. I brought along a bottle of Absolut Mango but was finished in a daze, very much thanks to Huai Bin's drinking habits.

They were quite a number of people at Ky's pad. Most of them I've met before but there were also quite a handful of people whom I haven't met before. Can't really remember all the names and I'll try my best here to recollect my memory bank. I went there early, at about 9.30pm with Huai Bin. His sense of direction in PJ is still bad and of course he would be happy to get a free ride from a girl!!! A 10minute-journey from his place to KY's place took him almost an hour previously. Haha... And that's not the record. KY has a friend that took almost 1 and a half hours to find his place!

Then there were also this guy whom goes around with two jugs of a mixture of booze - his own concoction with the names Life or Death. I always take both. Sometimes I like the Life jug and sometimes the Death. Thanks to him, many got drunk! That's Terence.

The gift exchange session was funny. This year's theme is to bring a present that you can wear. There were loads of panties, condoms and everything else funny. Not to mention that our dear Mr.Sixthseal did a live performance of showing us how he wears one without an erection! There were also other interesting stuff like a bra, lipstick and stockings. The rule is that the next person in line to choose a gift can also snatch the gifts that has been opened. It was fun to see people snatching each other's gifts.

I didn't know that the party got better as we progressed because people do all sorts of funny things when they were drunk. Firdy was so funny because when he was drunk, he went around telling people to be careful "the earth is moving". And how he can hold on to his wine glass without spilling when he himself constantly falling amused me.

I really had a good time there. We ended the party after 4am which is after a surprise visit by the PDRM. Then we proceeded for a makan session at Ming Tien before I head home. Read KY's full report here because I am very lazy to elaborate.
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