Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

My last day at Fidani

MIHAS just ended!

The time has come. Today is my last day with the company and the farewell party was carried out yesterday at the office. It wasn't exactly how I planned and until this very minute, I am still working on the proposals and answering clients' email. There's about 2 unfinished project which I have just started after tendering my resignation 3 months ago.

It was a long story and I guess I've been talking about leaving months ago here and finally on the 2nd week of April, I did it after my assistant tendered hers on 1st April. What a big joke huh? Actually when I wrote the post "rethinking", I have already been drafting my resignation letter. Finally I put the talk into action and the thing is, never look back when you have decided. No one in the company believe that I would leave until a week or two ago when I told them that I am really not staying back.

I still haven't packed. Look at my messy room!

I've worked here almost 3 years come 21st July and it's indeed sad to leave everything that I've built and nurtured for 3 long years. I see Fidani grew by 30% every year and I must say although it's not a great achievement, that's the best I can do with just my assistant and myself in the sales & marketing team. What I really miss is my clients. I love all of them because the key clients I have are the nicest of the buyers I've ever met and knowing that the company have not found someone to take over my responsibilities is just worrying because there'll be no one to take care of their orders.

I'll miss working with Wei Mei!!!

I have a fun time working there. There's just so much to do and learn. I've met people I never dreamt of meeting and chocolate has brought me so far. Friends call me "choc babe" or simply "choc" which is a better name to remember than "eiling" and I cannot imagine myself leaving this industry. Marketing handmade chocolates is really challenging but I love it because I have the passion for product development and packaging development. I think I will miss my best lady designer, interior designer and printers.

Farewell Lunch at the office!

My colleagues aka the production staff are a bunch of fun people too although sometimes I get angry at them for careless mistakes. After all that, we are still friends and we're just like a big family. These people I tell you, they are such good cooks. Everytime we do a party at the office, everyone gets a chance to show off their culinary skills and all I did was to eat! They all are qualified to open a restaurant and not a chocolate boutique! heheh....

Since I haven't finished packing, I'll be back to the office on Friday to handover my responsibilities to the factory manager whom is doing a 2 persons' job cos Wei Mei & I left together. We'll be shopping in Singapore tomorrow!

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