Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

My Birthday wishlist...

Since my birthday is coming, I intend to sent out the most shameless wish list so that my family and friends would get the hints! However, some of my friends had already gave me some pressies earlier and they have escaped the list I'm posting today! How unfortunate...

I received a bottle of 27 year-old Single Malt whisky as my friends tend to get me a bottle of whisky that indicates my age every year! And then I also received a bottle of a 100-pointer Dom Perignon 1996 - woot! It was just ecstatic. I think my friends think I'm really an alcoholic! My girlfriends got me a manicure and pedicure which I have not been before. Can you imagine I have not had my nails done by a professional before?!!

see how happy I am....

Dad gave me a Samsung Galaxy S - bye bye Blackberry Curve. I'll need to explore the new Android phone and I will definitely miss the BBMs... actually I am tempted to keep the BB but I can't afford to have two lines with data plans! Mom gave me my favourite bottle of Christian Lacroix Cest la Vie perfume!

As for my sisters... hmm I have the perfect present suggestion - why don't you guys get me the Nike+ running sensors for my Nike+ shoes and this Nike+ band to track my running?!! I am trying to walk and jog for at least 3 times a week considering the much weight gain in these recent years. Yeah it took me 3 years to realise I'm fat!

Nike+ Sportband

Then I would also love to have some SK-II miracle water please because my stocks are finishing soon! Perhaps I should change to another brand since I am now very broke after the house purchase. Actually there is even a longer list but I should not go overboard and be thankful for everything that is given to me. The best present would of course still be the messages and birthday wishes I receive on my birthday. Who says the best things aren't free?!!

The ultimate birthday dream...

Ok... I'm really dreaming...

Don't worry, you still have 5 more days to fulfill my wish!
P/S: The most shameless post ever!

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