I'm usually not a cranky nor bitchy person but recently I had this very agitating urge to bitch about the events that had happened during my flight. Maybe it was due to hormonal changes or probably it's the volcano inside me that is waiting to erupt.
With the new job, I've been traveling quite extensively (flying almost once every one or two weeks!) and I've been quite under the weather. One thing I realised is that, the traveling perks is not a bed of roses. It's so nice to hear about people flying here and there, living a life out of a suitcase and probably experiencing an enactment of the movie "Up in the air" but honestly, it's not really that great! But you know what's worse than a delayed plane?
Thus, I've come up with 8 general rules that YOU should follow for the betterment of mankind on air travel. If you violate them, I'll be bitching and cursing you and wishing a whole lot of other terrible things to be done unto you!
- Be apologetic if you're spilling into my space! I was on the flight to Langkawi and this fat man beside me has his fats spilling over onto the handles between my seat and his. What's worse is that he kept on moving and hugging his partner during the flight! It was so uncomfortable but lucky it was a short flight.
- Your leg is touching mine! Come on, you've been allocated the same space as mine. And my legs are even longer than yours, so keep them to yourself. If your legs are so damn long, opt for an aisle seat! Rule to the exception - if you're a hot guy!
- Don't talk if your breath stinks! You made me loose my appetite or I'll need an oxygen mask! For choc's sake, get a gum or mint.
- Stop hugging and kissing so much! It's not that I hate PDA (Public Display of Affection) but I cannot stand the overly passionate passengers whom does not respect the OTHER passenger beside them. Makes me feel so single and sad...
- You don't own the armrest! Do you know that the armrest is shared?!! This guy who sat beside me had the impression that he owned the armrest and has been invading my space by knocking off my hand! What's worse is that he kept on moving and turning that the seats are rocking because of him!
- Look before you recline the seats! I know that you're uncomfortable with the seats upright but you've been more considerate if you look first before you recline the seats. I hate it when I was eating or using the tray when suddenly the guy in front reclines his seat as if it was a lazy chair in his home. Look before you recline so that you don't crush my laptop or at least give a heads up before that.
- Be gentle with the trays! Some passengers have this habit of slamming the trays when securing them back into place. I might be asleep damnit and when you slammed it, it jerked me!
- Control your kids! There's nothing much you can do to babies but what I cannot stand is the screaming kids/toddlers. For choc's sake, give them a a shot of rum and shut them out. It's so frustrating when you have sit through a flight for hours with irritating kids whom just wouldn't shut up!

I hope with better luck, I'll be able to get onto my flight without the other passenger that reclines into me, kids screaming behind me, the couple that hugs and kiss beside me and the trays that slammed behind me. Ok, after this post, I'll get back to writing why I love to travel!
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