I received some awesome gifts of indulgence lately. The first gift from a dear friend being this:

It was a bar of Amedei Toscano Black 70%. Amedei is an Italian chocolatier based in Pisa. It produces only chocolate from beans that are personally selected at the plantations rather than from a bean-broker. They are the direct competitors of my favourite chocolate - Valrhona but a smaller company. Their Chuao & Porcelana bars are to die for. Amedei is a must have for every budding chocolate connoisseur.
This 100g bar is sold at RM38/bar which I found out that a company called Italpoint is distributing it together with the famous Italian Lavazza Coffee. A simple calculation: RM38/100g = RM0.38/gm And for every subsection of the bar, it'll be RM3.80. Compared to Fidani, it's 2 times the price!
Thus, I am having a section of the bar daily for an orgasmic experience. or you can choose to have more than 1 if you needed multiple orgasms. The bar is very aromatic, the cocoa taste is intense and smooth, not a trace of vanilin like most chocolate and the best thing is, it leaves a very good aftertaste!
My dream came true. Valrhona, Amedei, Michel Cluizel, Pralus & Domori are the brands that I dreamt of trying and now I have achieved 3 of them!

Trinidad Reyes 24
My favourite cigar! The small pig tailed trinidad reyes. I've just received this wonderful box today from a friend whom sent his office boy to sent over this parcel bearing gift from his recent trip to Dubai. I can only afford a 18 reyes and this 24 is going to last me a long time! Sweet!
That's all for today. Keep the surprises coming please. Ciao.
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