This is a post of the totally random stuff that will also act as a filler post until I have truly found myself (I'm still searching, wanna help me out?). These few days I've been really exhausted and worn out so forgive my totally random posts and crap. Workload is heavy, mind has been a rollercoaster and the body has aged 10 years (not physically but it certainly felt like one), eye bags are emerging and money is running low.... All thanks to my indulgence in finer things in life such as my newly acquired 9West heels and a Sisley dress at Pavilion.

But my sister Ziling receives this from Greg!
Aargh, nevermind. I'll prefer a Tiffany & Co 1837 Concave Ring over some colourful buds with green stalks wrapped up in some coloured papers. Save the bouquet and get me the blue box! That is what I'm going to tell my date the next V day! Heheh...
I was reading from Suanie's blog and she was raving about the Gardenia Butterscotch Bread that was so really, really, really good!!! After reading all the comments, I cannot but be tempted to buy one loaf at the 7-11 near my house. The others were complaining that the bread runs out very quickly at their 7-11's but I was delighted to see the outlet I went to still have 5 loafs on the shelf. I tell you, RM4 for a loaf is not cheap. I can definitely buy 2-3 loafs of the normal white bread!

The bread carries a slightly yellow hue with dark brown spots (butterscotch) and a soft texture. It was good but not to the orgasmic levels. Honestly, paying RM4 for 12 slices of the mass-produced bread is a bit expensive. Of all the mass-produced bread, I still liked the white Hailam bread that the old coffee shops used to serve. But Gardenia will always have a share of consumers' minds as it's so good you can even eat it on its own!
I was reading from Suanie's blog and she was raving about the Gardenia Butterscotch Bread that was so really, really, really good!!! After reading all the comments, I cannot but be tempted to buy one loaf at the 7-11 near my house. The others were complaining that the bread runs out very quickly at their 7-11's but I was delighted to see the outlet I went to still have 5 loafs on the shelf. I tell you, RM4 for a loaf is not cheap. I can definitely buy 2-3 loafs of the normal white bread!

The bread carries a slightly yellow hue with dark brown spots (butterscotch) and a soft texture. It was good but not to the orgasmic levels. Honestly, paying RM4 for 12 slices of the mass-produced bread is a bit expensive. Of all the mass-produced bread, I still liked the white Hailam bread that the old coffee shops used to serve. But Gardenia will always have a share of consumers' minds as it's so good you can even eat it on its own!
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