I thought I have finished archiving my 25th birthday pressies in the previous post until I went to work today and was surprised to find more well wishers and more birthday pressies. The first one came from my designer, Carol. She can really read my mind because just like her, we both absolutely love accessories.
After that, I went for lunch at a Mongolian Halal Restaurant at Summit USJ, a free treat by one of my Interior Designers/Contractors. At the end of the meal, he gave me a Birthday Ang Pow. I was really surprised. And not to mention that the amount was significant!!! My kai ma @ group marketing manager also gave me a super big ang pow! It ends with very auspicious chinese numbers. One ang pow came after another as there were 2 colleagues also giving ang pow to me.
Next up, my dear colleague Daphne & boss's assistant Carol also gave me a nice watch and an ang pow. Wow, I get money and gifts at the same time. It was so thoughtful of her because she always get me gifts especially when she goes overseas for work. Thanks!
This comes from my ever cheeky and mischievous youngest sister. I came home half drunk yesterday and she handed me an ang pow. I thought it was money inside but then when I tore open the red packet, it was a white piece of Kurnia note paper bearing these lines:
Right after that, she gave me a RM200 ang pow (correction: it was not RM100). Happy now?!! And my dear Lim Ziling gave me RM150 (correction: not RM100). Both of you happy now?!!
And besides all these gifts, I spend the evening at my wine merchant's office for a drink and puff. I had a glass of Ardmore Highland Single Malt Scotch Whiskey on the rocks. The palate was full and rich, with unique and rare highland peat-smoke tones, followed by a smooth, subtle sweetness. Although not exactly my choice when compared with Highland Park and Port Ellen, this bottle is still reasonably good. I have no idea on the pricing as my friend bought it at the Singapore Airport.

Besides the good liquids, a good puff is almost necessary to complete the evening. I had a Nat Sherman Suave cigar from New York. Wrapped in a golden Connecticut shade wrapper, it was rather disappointing for me because it was mild, too mild actually. I still prefer a Cuban anytime. And by the rate that I'm going, loving all fine things especially my Trinidads and Ramon Allones, they reckon I better find a rich husband. I said I could live with a husband earning RM15k a month and they all rolled their eyes in disbelief.

I was supposed to have dinner with my family as mom cooked. But by the time I came home, it was 8 pm and all of them had dinner without me because I think they were really starving. I had so much whiskey that I felt a bit tipsy and no appetite at all. So, I didn't eat, took a shower and went to bed before it hits 9pm. What a day to be celebrating my birthday like that! No cake also!!! Hmmph...
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