Looking back, it's been 5 days since I last blogged. Well, I've been very busy and there were no laptop & internet connection at my grandma's house (good excuse) and I was busy "investing". So far, EIF has made no progress since the last report as it had dropped 100 points yesterday morning after gaining 150 points in Ipoh. Can't believe a Drappier Champagne breakfast ended up with me loosing money! I should be Happier!

The No.1 revenue for Chinese New Year is of course coming from Ang Pow collection! Last year, I did come up with the ang pow collection ranking and this year I shall not simply because revenue has gone down especially coming from my parents. My mom cut our ang pow money by 50% due to recession! What?!! In return, we asked for 1 month household money waiver and the request was rejected. Sigh...
In our family tradition, on the first day of CNY, we have to serve tea to both of my parents and wish them all the auspicious phrases before we could get any ang pows from them. This year, we used a bit of mandarin phrases that we learnt from the mandarin class a few days ago. We have phrases like "may whatever shares you buy go up and down as when you wanted it" haha....
If you exclude my parents, actually my ang pow collection revenue did go up. It could be due to many of my relatives are married, I'm visiting more houses and I'm still thick-skinned to be asking for ang pows?!! Every year, my aunt told me that this shall be my last year collecting ang pows and I told them "you shall be disappointed" because I plan to collect for a few more years! Lol...
The 2nd revenue comes from the "investment" games that you play during CNY. I have been investing for days when I was in Ipoh and I did make some money. It was a very time consuming game as I was just putting very small bets. Even my cousins whom are still studying is betting RM50! What a shame... I don't make much but at least the time passed by very quickly and meaningfully!
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