On Friday, a group of UniFi people came to my house to install the WIRED high speed broadband (HSBB) service, an upgrade from my Streamyx. I wasn't around as I had to work but Mom was in. What I thought would be a joy turned out to be a nightmare. First of all, they come in a group of 6-8 people. And I thought it's very unprofessional not to tell the user that they will send so many people as I know it's dangerous to be home alone especially a lady with so many strangers in the house. They could have told us that there will be so many people coming and at least we can arrange to have 2 people at home.

Then, they wanted to drill a hole from the kitchen wall to the computer room. Mom had earlier discuss with them on the place to drill. To her horror, when she came into the room, the hole was drilled at another location! Imagine this senario at your house. What would you do? I think I would scream at them!
After they have completed their job, Mom gave them some Mandarin oranges and also my bowl of chocolates full of Snickers, Dove, Galaxy and M&M's! Not only they are not grateful, they even make me lose my Smartag. My Smartag was left on the chair at the living hall because my car was at the workshop and Mom noticed my Smartag was gone after the installation. She tried to call me immediately and asked if I took it but unfortunately I was at a meeting and didn't answer the call. When I called back after 20 mins, they have gone and so is my Smartag with RM43 pre loaded in the Touch N Go card!!!
Mom called Unifi and lodged a complaint. A lady calls back after 3 hours and told her that she will investigate. After another hour, she called back and passed the call to the Installation Supervisor and he said that he asked his staff and none of them took it. Duh!! If I steal something, do you think I should admit it? What kind of answer is that? Is this answer acceptable to anyone who lose something after buying a service from your company? Then Mom even asked them if they will take any action if I were to make it known to the public through social media and also to the press. The lady said, "it's your choice." And so my choice is to share my experience with all of you.
After this incident, not only Mom has to waste money and energy making the calls, I had to buy a new Smartag and Touch N Go. I spent RM120 buying a new Smartag, RM10 on Tounch N Go new card and also another RM30 for credit on top of the hundreds which I need to pay for the Unifi service. Where is the justice?
I felt so angry and disappointed with the company. Not only they have a incompetent customer service department, they may have also hired dishonest staff which users like us may fall prey to. It's just a Smartag for my case but who knows other people might have similar stories. I have written to The Star about this and hopefully they can share it at the Letters column. This serves as a warning to others to keep a watchful eye should they want to install anything at their homes. Trust no stranger. Now, should a police report be made on cases like this?
A police report has been made finally!
The reason is not for me to take action against TM but to serve as a warning to others. Yes, these people might be contractors hired by the company but it's unfair for them to send irresponsible and dishonest people to carry out the job.
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