Selasa, 26 April 2011

Doc says...

I've never knew how scary it felt to be collecting a medical report until I had to do it myself. For the past few years, I have really been neglecting my health so much so that I didn't even bother to go for a full body check-up. All I did was some blood tests when I was in college. Deep down, I knew it was supposed to be a priority but I was just simply to lazy to make time for it.

Ok, so finally I woke up one morning and decide to pull myself to my usual gynecologist which is just in my neighbourhood to go for a full medical check-up. It was more than a month ago that I did the health examination and when they called me to pick up my report, I was quite scared actually. And guess what, I didn't have time to pick it up until last week, which was 2-3 weeks later!

I plucked up my courage and drove myself to the clinic. The receptionist told me that I had to wait for more than 20 mins to see the doctor and I told her can I just collect the report and leave? He said, "No. The doctor wants to speak with you."

"Er...." I was so scared that something bad had surfaced! Was there a problem with my liver? (since I drank quite a fair bit these few years...)

It was a 30 minutes wait before I could see the doctor. As she went through my report page by page, my heart skipped a beat. And not until she read the last page of my report that I dare to take a breath! I'm glad I survived the results and basically my bad cholesterol was a little high and my Calcium is a little low.

When asked about my liver, the doc says my liver is fine. I was so worried and I even asked her whether I should be taking liver tablets due to my drinking nature. She says I didn't need to but I think I should. I have been advised to exercise more and which I have been religiously doing it. Sigh... and I would have to return after 12 months for the next medical check-up.

It's really true that you feel good without going through a medical examination because after that you'll feel so uneasy fearing that there might be some problem with your health. Right now, I am feeling very ecstatic due to the pink of health. I just need to control my consumption of cholesterol infused food which I loved so much! And as for wines and whisky, I would still drink them but at moderation levels... I've gone more than a week without alcohol already!

Cheers to good health. I'm drinking tonight for sure!

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