Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009


Poor thing...

Finally my car is back after spending a week at the hospital car workshop. During my previous post I did mention that I had 3 choices of fixing the gearbox and finally I've decided to just let my mechanic do whatever he can in the cheapest way possible.

What he did was to replace the parts that are worn out and that too cost RM6900 when I received the bill last Saturday. But it feels good to be driving this baby again. You don't know what torture I went through driving the Waja for the last 1 - 2 weeks. It was the gigantic turning radius and inserting the parking ticket through the window that tortured me. I had to practically take out my seat belt everytime to do it.

My assistant too was laughing at me and she was amazed how I could park so easily with a big car like Ford but can't park the Waja properly. I also cannot explain this phenomenon.

The people at Ford has been most kind to give me a courtesy call especially the PR company and the GM of Aftersales whom offered their help when they know I had problems with the car. Probably I'll pop in one day to test drive the new Ford Escape.

Until then, I need to buy a lottery ticket to pay off the repairs but Mom and dad has been so nice to pay for it. But then again, any lucky numbers?!!

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