Usually I don't really do much but have a relaxing Saturday at home to catch up with the house chores. Honestly house chores is really frustrating as you've got bills to pay, clothes to wash and iron, toilets to wash, floors to sweep and mop and not forgeting rubbish to get rid off! Then, suddenly you found that the sis can't get the windows to close and you'll have to open that tool box and do something! That's not all. Then, there's this light bulb that doesn't light! OMG, it's so frustrating.

A friend organised a lunch get together at Wong Poh in Aman Suria. We were all from the same college but from different courses. However, we managed to meet and be friends through activities and clubs. It was fun to catch up and I've got this friend whom carries 3 iPhones! And I don't even own one! Why does one need 1 iPhone 4G and 2 of 3Gs?!! Bookie ah? We were making fun of him non-stop and I have 4 sim cards but only has 2 phones. Anyone wanna buy me an iPhone?
In the afternoon, I managed to book a full body massage at HerbaLine. I'm not someone who loves massages but I've got this very bad back problem that I need a massage so badly to help me ease the ache. It must be the laptop that I'm carrying everyday! Gadgets are really bummers when you need to carry theme everywhere! Herbaline runs a very good offer for massages. It's RM118 for 90 mins and if you go with someone, it's at RM177 for 2. On weekdays, it's RM118 for 2 persons!

The fish spa is complimentary. Never in my life I've tried something like this. And being the 1st timers, Yiling and I are practically scared to soak our feet into a tank full of fishes. They looked like they are ready to feast on my feet! During that 20 minutes, all I did was to sit by the side and look at the fishes without puting my feet in. I tried once or twice and finally decide to give up because it's too ticklish. No more fish spa for me thank you!

We were also given a good 5 minutes salt bath to soak our feet. After that, we are ushered into our massage room. It's a small and scented room with two beds and trays filled with a "sarong" and disposable underwear for you to change into. It was a Swedish massage and I like it as the masseuse is very professional and has a good strength to press the pressure points. However, I almost wanted to scream when she pressed on my thighs! It was damn painful.
I didn't want it to end! It's so comfortable and you wished that you could just sleep there.
I was running late to pick up Naz too as I agreed to have dinner with him and then later attend the Heineken Green Room party which was held at KL Live. It was also the night of MTV World Stage. As usual, the traffic getting into KL was terrible as it was also raining. We had dinner at Modestos which is just a walking distance from the party venue and it was like the biggest mistake of all times. The food was crap and the service was horrible! It's a no-no on my list and I hope I won't need to return. I feel so disappointed and partly pissed off with the attitudes of the staff.

I met Huai Bin @Sixthseal at the party. He was one of the crews and it was nice catching up. Haven't seen him for sometime after the Astro PVR event thing. After having 2 beers, I wanted to leave as it has been a tiring day for me. That night, I slept really well because I had a good massage. You know what, I'll make time for 1 massage a month from now on!